Friday, May 17, 2013


The biggest beef the BF has with me when we are traveling is that I am essentially useless as a consistently engaged co-pilot.

Photo;Shandra Beri

It's not that I leave him hanging.

Photo;Shandra Beri

We determine the destination,  I set the GPS and then I remove myself from all further navigational issues.

Photo;Shandra Beri
It's not like he needs my help from that point on- because he LOVES to drive (me, not so much...), we are (after all...) not in the air and there is an endless ribbon of mind numbing tarmac (reason number one that I hate to drive...) laid out before us that he just has to concentrate on enough to keep us from rolling into a ditch, flying off a cliff or smashing into another car.

Photo;Shandra Beri

It's more like he wants company co-driving. "Is that a Maybach?!" or "I bet that bus has a Caterpillar inside." or "If this guy doesn't move over, I seriously am going to kill him."

But here's the thing; if mama don't hold the wheel, mama ain't watchin' the road.

Photo;Shandra Beri


Photo;Shandra Beri

We've laughed and argued and chatted for hours and finally reached that lovely 'natural lull' in conversation that you reach on a journey (unless you are a long-haul trucker on uppers and can keep up the jabber-jaw on the CB all the way to Houston), so I ask you, how can I possibly get deliriously lost in the visuals outside of my window if I have to keep saying more words about street signs, vehicles and other people's driving styles???

Photo;Shandra Beri

Photo;Shandra Beri

Photo;Shandra Beri

That's right, I can't!

One of the best parts of being a passenger (aside from not having to drive...) is that you actually get to mentally meander and run your eyeballs over what is outside that little bullet/bubble thing you're riding in as you go WHOOSHING by at 80 mph. 

Photo;Shandra Beri

Photo;Shandra Beri

Photo;Shandra Beri

Hanging out an open window, fighting against the force of the wind, wishing I could flap open my mouth like my dogs do and make an undulating, full, careless billow of my lips and choppers while clutching my camera for dear life and trying to hold my body still enough to catch a round image of the moon...snap - I mean, c'mon, what are we going to talk about at this moment that is better than that?

Next left in 30 miles?

Photo;Shandra Beri

That is a luscious full moon hanging over an inky sea, btw... (I know, you can't see it because you have to concentrate on the road, but I'll show you the pics later).

Photo;Shandra Beri

 Right now I don't want to look where I'm going, I want to see where I am.

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