Monday, January 19, 2015

Martin Luther King's Last Speech: "I've Been To The Mountaintop"

The final part of Martin Luther King's last speech. He delivered it on April 3, 1968, at the Mason Temple in Memphis, Tennessee. The next day, King was assassinated.

This is courage. This is what we need now.


  1. I'm scared to watch this right now. I'll try, later; I don't know it.

    Thing is, we watched Charlie Chaplin's "Modern Times" last night; my choice. Then Spice dug out his "speech" from "The Great Dictator". I didn't know that one, either.

    Chaplin, of course, absolutely nailed it. He really understood the world's problems, pretty much top to bottom; and said so, in a forum that reached millions.

    And- did anyone learn anything? Not so far as I can tell.

    It's a little depressing. :-/

    1. I feel a similar mixture of emotion.

      Here is a link to President Dwight Eisenhower's Farewell Address to the nation January 17, 1961;

  2. Ike's I'm familiar with; as a kid I watched my parents vote for him, and I paid attention thereafter. His speech was largely written by Malcolm Moos, though the ideas were Ike's. Moos actually coined the phrase military-industrial complex. Moos was President of the U of MN, while I was in grad school there- a turbulent and unhappy time.
